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Гениальные самодельные изобретения и приспособления для облегчения труда

Гениальные самодельные изобретения и приспособления для облегчения труда

Опубликовано: 26 нояб. 2019 г.В повседневной жизни мы то и дело сталкиваемся с разного рода трудом, тяжело выполнимым вручную. Будь то ремонтные работы в гараже, конструкторская деятельность в мастерской, обработка почвы или заготовка всевозможных материалов, техника способна существенно оптимизировать процесс. Представляем вам гениальные самодельные изобретения и приспособления для облегчения труда: от камеры струйной очистки до необычной установки для рубки дров.

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ГЕНИАЛЬНЫЕ самодельные изобретения и приспособления для облегчения труда
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Капитальный ремонт железной дороги - все процессы / Railway track complete repair - all processes

Капитальный ремонт железной дороги — все процессы / Railway track complete repair — all processes

Опубликовано: 18 окт. 2017 г.Капитальный ремонт железной дороги — все процессы, Эстония, 2017
Каждый четверг будет более тщательное отдельное видео про каждого процесса
Railway complete repair — all processes, Estonia, 2017
Every Thursday I will publish a separate, more thorough video about all the separate processes

Бестопливный генератор Джона Серла

Бестопливный генератор Джона Серла

Опубликовано: 3 янв. 2013 г.Новое видео на русском языке про бестопливный генератор Джона Серла с участием самого автора. Дополнительные материалы по данному устройству можно найти тут: http://zaryad.com/?p=6994

Producing the world's first 3D-printed bridge with robots "is just the beginning" - Joris Laarman

Producing the world's first 3D-printed bridge with robots «is just the beginning» — Joris Laarman

Опубликовано: 13 янв. 2016 г.The technology that startup MX3D is developing to 3D print a bridge in Amsterdam could be used to produce «endless» different structures, says Dutch designer Joris Laarman in this exclusive movie.

MX3D is a new research and development company co-founded by Laarman and Tim Geurtjens, which plans to use robots to produce the world's first functional 3D-printed steel bridge over an Amsterdam canal by 2017.

«The basics of the technology is pretty simple,» Laarman explains in the movie, which was filmed at MX3D's workshop in Amsterdam. «We're using an industrial robot that is usually used in assembly lines in the car industry. We have combined this with a welding machine and our own software to have it 3D print in metal.»

The six-axis robots that MX3D are adapting are able to rotate their arms along six different planes of movement. They build up structures by depositing small quantities of steel in layers.

Unlike traditional 3D printers, robots can produce much larger structures by moving across them as they print.

«You're not limited by size, so we can theoretically print endlessly big,» Laarman says.

The steel footbridge will span eight metres. MX3D originally intended to print the bridge in situ, but had to abandon that plan over health and safety concerns. Laarman and his team will now reconstruct a section of the canal in their workshop to demonstrate that it could be done on site.

The bridge will be printed in one piece, with the robots printing a load-bearing structure to support their own weight as they work.

«The bridge is going to be fairly small – it's a pedestrian bridge,» Laarman says. «It's still a huge challenge, because we want to print it in one go. We want the robots to print their own support structure as they move over the water.»

Read more on Dezeen: http://www.dezeen.com/?p=832717

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest architecture and design movies: http://bit.ly/1tcULvh



Опубликовано: 25 нояб. 2019 г.По вопросам авторского права, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по адресу: copymanager.mn@gmail.com
Реклама и сотрудничество: https://vk.com/club60235938?w=page-60...

BRAIN TIME ► https://goo.gl/hejcDo

Chishuihe Bridge Hongjun opened in September30,2019赤水河红军大桥完工

Chishuihe Bridge Hongjun opened in September30,2019赤水河红军大桥完工

Опубликовано: 11 окт. 2019 г.Chishuihe Bridge Hongjun(former name Chishuihe Bridge Chajiaotan) opened in September30,2019.
1200m span,315m high suspension bridge:



Опубликовано: 12 июл. 2016 г.建在贵州,鸭池河特大桥全长1461米,大桥主桥为1240米双塔双索面混合梁斜拉桥,主跨为800米钢桁梁半漂浮体系结构。系贵黔高速控制性工程,目前该桥是贵州省内跨径最大,国内跨径最大,同时是世界跨径第二大的钢桁梁斜拉桥,国内第六大和世界第十大斜拉桥。不要谢,顶我上去,让更多人了解!谢了!

3-D printing a building - ACES

3-D printing a building — ACES

Опубликовано: 25 авг. 2017 г.The U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory in Champaign, Illinois, has successfully three-dimensionally printed a 512 square-foot concrete structure. The three year Army Program called the “Automated Construction of Expeditionary Structures” uses an additive manufacturing process to “print” semi-permanent structures. ACES will allow the Army to print buildings and other required infrastructure, such as barriers, culverts and obstacles on location and potentially reduce building materials shipped by half and reduce construction manpower requirements by 62 percent when compared to expedient plywood construction. CERL is teamed with NASA to make ACES technology more mobile, including extraterrestrial infrastructure and with Caterpillar Inc. to explore commercialization of ACES technology, focused on disaster relief operations and conventional construction applications.
