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Learn about Angel Giuffria's Bionic arm! (I know a Cyborg!)

Learn about Angel Giuffria's Bionic arm! (I know a Cyborg!)

Опубликовано: 13 авг. 2017 г.I got to listen to Bionic Actress Angel Giuffria talk about her rad prosthetic at the Lucky Fin Project Weekend in Detroit… so awesome! Angel is SUCH an incredibly kind, humble, and FUN human and I am so glad I know her!

SUPPORT Stump Kitchen on Patreon: www.patreon.com/stumpkitchen

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Theme song written by Alexis Hillyard and arranged by Tyson Kerr.
Background vibes by Tyson Kerr.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/stumpkitchen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stumpkitchen/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stump_kitchen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stump_kitchen/
Website: http://www.stumpkitchen.com

Mozart - Metallica (Symphony No. 40 - Enter Sandman : MOZART HEROES [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Mozart — Metallica (Symphony No. 40 — Enter Sandman: MOZART HEROES [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Опубликовано: 25 апр. 2015 г.The swiss band MOZART HEROES are Chris on Violoncello and Phil on guitars. All sounds on this record are created by Chris and Phil with cellos, guitars, bass, self recorded cymbals, our own voices and a wine glass for spheric/deep sounds. We don’t use sample libraries synthesizers or any other sound sources!

MOZART HEROES on Facebook:

Record available at:

©Copyright 2018 by SOUNDCATERING GmbH

Arrangements: MOZART HEROES
Artists: Chris & Phil, MOZART HEROES
Director: Peter «Jackson» Arnold
Artists: Chris & Phil, MOZART HEROES
Executive producer: Augenblickmedia GmbH

Management/PR: Anita Spahni, www.indiecom.ch/contact
International Booking: Anita Spahni, www.indiecom.ch/contact
Booking Germany: Thomas Schimm, www.agentur-vivo.de
Booking Switzerland: Remo Camenzind, www.mixmaxmusic.com

— Symphony No. 40 written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
— Enter Sandman written by James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich & Kirk Hammett

Which Tesla is the FASTEST?

Which Tesla is the FASTEST?

Опубликовано: 7 янв. 2019 г.Original Roadster. Model S P100D. Model 3 Performance. Model X P100D. Which Tesla would win the race? You can use my referral code to get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging on a new Tesla: http://ts.la/daniel3063

Thanks to our friend Shaye for bringing the Model 3 Performance and Model S P100D and making this race possible! Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCECi...

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Filmed in 4k on this camera: http://amzn.to/1UnXI82

Music from Epidemic Sound. Sign up here for access to their music library: http://share.epidemicsound.com/pcFwF
Buy some of our NEW MERCH! https://www.whatsinsidemerch.com

World's FASTEST Electric Cars! 0-60MPH in 1.69sec?!

World's FASTEST Electric Cars! 0-60MPH in 1.69sec?!

Опубликовано: 18 апр. 2020 г.Representing World's 10 Fastest Electric Cars That Come with Insane Performance.

01: Tesla Roadster 2021
Top Speed — 250 mph, 0-60 mph — 1.9 sec, Range — 620 mi / 1000 km, Price — from $200K

02:Rimac C_Two
Total Power — 1427 kW / 1913 Hp, Top Speed — 258 mph, 1/4 mile time — 9.1 sec, 0-60 mph — 1.85 sec, Range — 340 mi / 547 km, Price — $1.94 mln

03: Aspark Owl
Total Power — 1480 kW / 1985 Hp, Top Speed — 248 mph, 0-60 mph — 1.69 sec, Range — 280 mi / 450 km, Price — $3.2 mln

04: Pininfarina Battista
Total Power — 1416 kW / 1900 Hp, Top Speed — 217 mph, 1/4 mile time — 9.1 sec,0-60 mph — 2.0 sec, Range — 300 mi / 483 km, Price — $2.2 mln

05: Audi AI:RACE (PB18)
Total Power — 500 kW / 670 Hp, Top Speed — 186 mph, 0-60 mph — 2.0 sec, Range — 310 mi / 500 km, Price — N/A

06: Lotus Evija
Total Power — 1470 kW / 1971 Hp, Top Speed — 200 mph, 0-60 mph — 3.0 sec, Range — 250 mi / 402 km, Price — $1.86 mln

07: Drako GTE
Total Power — 895 kW / 1200 Hp, Top Speed — 206 mph, 0-60 mph — est. 2.0 sec, Range — 250 mi / 402 km, Price — $1.25 mln

08: Nio EP9
Total Power — 1000 kW / 1341 Hp, Top Speed — 195 mph, 1/4 mile time — 10.1 sec, 0-60 mph — 2.7 sec, Range — 265 mi / 427 km, Price — $1.48 mln

09: Karma SC2
Total Power — 820 kW / 1100 Hp, Top Speed — est. 200 mph, 0-60 mph — 1.9 sec, Range — 350 mi / 563 km, Price — N/A

10: Tesla Model S ‘Plaid’
Will be more powerful than P100D and have much faster acceleration time. Expected in the 2nd half of 2020.


Koenigsegg Agera RS
Total Power — 1175 HP, Top Speed — 278 mph, 0-60 mph — 2.6 sec, Price — $1.25 mln

Вопросы и ответы с Илоном Маском на конференции SXSW 2018 |10.03.2018| (На русском)

Вопросы и ответы с Илоном Маском на конференции SXSW 2018 |10.03.2018| (На русском)

Опубликовано: 14 мар. 2018 г.Тренируйте внимание, память и мышление на Викиум: https://goo.gl/u5pGcg

Полное выступление Илона Маска на конференции South by Southwest, где он рассказывает о рождении Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City, the Boring Company и Neuralink; об их тяжелых временах и будущем своих компаний и человечества. А еще танцует и поёт.
Источник: https://youtu.be/kzlUyrccbos

Прайс на перевод и озвучку от команды канала: http://bit.ly/pricelistEM
Для рекламных запросов: teslauto@gmail.com

Наши проекты:
Канал, об электромобилях и транспорте будущего: https://www.youtube.com/c/EVFUTURERU
Канал обо всем самом интересном:

Наши Соцсети:
https://t.me/elonmusksu — Наш канал в Telegram
https://vk.com/elonmusksu — Сообщество во вКонтакте
https://www.instagram.com/elonmusk.su/ — Наш Instagram
https://www.facebook.com/groups/15616... -Группа в Facebook
https://twitter.com/elonmusksu — Наш Twitter
https://ok.ru/elonmusk — Группа в Одноклассниках
https://elonmusk.su/ — Наш сайт!

Поддержать канал:
Яндекс Кошелек — https://money.yandex.ru/to/4100119539...
PayPal — https://www.paypal.me/elonmusksu
Карта Сбербанк — 4276 1300 2242 9033

Тэги: #ИлонМаск, #Elonmusk, #Tesla, #SpaceX,

Vehicles Of The Future - Future Transportation System 2050

Vehicles Of The Future — Future Transportation System 2050

Опубликовано: 15 дек. 2018 г.Vehicles Of The Future — Future Transportation System 2050

The transportation system in the future will be very different from our current system. We will see flying cars, self-driving cars, passenger drones, hyperloop one system that is projected to reach a top speed of 760 mph (1,220 km/h) and with Starship and the Super Heavy Rocket, most journeys will taking less than 30 minutes, with access to anywhere in the world in an hour or less.

Starship-Super Heavy Earth to Earth :
With Starship and the Super Heavy Rocket, most of what people consider to be long distance trips would be completed in less than half an hour. In addition to vastly increased speed, one great benefit about traveling in space, outside of Earth’s atmosphere, is the lack of friction as well as turbulence and weather. Consider how much time we currently spend traveling from one place to another. Now imagine most journeys taking less than 30 minutes, with access to anywhere in the world in an hour or less. It's designed to service all Earth orbit needs as well as the Moon and Mars. This two-stage vehicle—composed of the Super Heavy Rocket (booster) and Starship (ship).

Hyperloop One :
The Hyperloop is a new mode of transportation that moves freight and people quickly, safely, on-demand and direct from origin to destination. Passengers or cargo are loaded into the hyperloop vehicle and accelerate gradually via electric propulsion through a low-pressure tube. The vehicle floats above the track using magnetic levitation and glides at airline speeds for long distances due to ultra-low aerodynamic drag. Hyperloop One systems will be built on columns or tunneled below ground to avoid dangerous grade crossings and wildlife. It’s fully autonomous and enclosed, eliminating pilot error and weather hazards.

Underground Tunnels Transportation :
To solve the problem of soul-destroying traffic, roads must go 3D, which means either flying cars or tunnels. Unlike flying cars, tunnels are weatherproof, out of sight and won't fall on your head. A large network of tunnels many levels deep would fix congestion in any city, no matter how large it grew (just keep adding levels). Fast to dig, low cost tunnels would also make Hyperloop adoption viable and enable rapid transit across densely populated regions, enabling travel from New York to Washington DC in less than 30 minutes.

Pop.Up Next :
At the heart of the Pop.Up Next concept is a simple two-seat passenger cabin that can travel one of two ways. The simpler and more conventional route involves attaching to a 60-kW (80-hp) electric powered sled and assuming the role of a self-driving car. Top speed is listed at 100 km/h (62 mph) and it would rely on a 15-kWh battery for a 130-km (81-mi) range. Pop.Up’s modus operandi is simple: passengers plan their journey and book their trip via an easy-to-use app. The system automatically suggests the best transport solution — according to user knowledge, timing, traffic congestion, costs, ridesharing demands — joining either the air or ground module or other means of transportation to the passenger capsule, and following passengers’ preferences and needs.

Renault Float :
The Float is designed to take the social interaction of Facebook into the world of cars. The glass machine will look like a bubble when on the roads, floating around using magnetic levitation tech, while able to connect to other pods to create a weird bubblewrap-style convoy. Seats can swivel and sliding doors open to force you to interact while The Float can bob around in any direction. The concept also includes a smartphone app that lets you holler for a Float at any time – the Uber of the future, apparently.

Mercedes-Benz F 015 Luxury in Motion :
The Mercedes-Benz F 015 Luxury in Motion research vehicle makes the future tangible with the revolutionary concept of autonomous driving. A luxury sedan with total connectivity between vehicle, passengers, and the outside world, it's a preview of how the self-driving car of the future could evolve into a platform for communication and interaction.

Transit Elevated Bus :
Passengers on board the bus are expected to experience a ride comparable to riding in the upper level of a double decker bus. They will board and alight at stations at the side of the road with platforms at the bus floor height similar to stations of an elevated railway, or via stairs descending through the roof of the bus from a station similar to a pedestrian overpass. It will travel at up to 60 km/h (37 mph). Different versions will carry up to 1,200 passengers, with the larger versions being articulated to facilitate going around curves.


04.07.17 «Работаю на себя». 3D печать

04.07.17 «Работаю на себя». 3D печать

Опубликовано: 5 июл. 2017 г.Программа «Работаю на себя» — это беседа с людьми, работающими в сфере малого и среднего бизнеса. Они делятся с ведущим опытом становления собственного дела и откровенно рассказывают о сложностях работы на себя.

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Что скрывают мировые лидеры о Антарктиде 2 часть

Что скрывают мировые лидеры о Антарктиде 2 часть

Опубликовано: 15 февр. 2018 г.Что Скрывают Мировые Лидеры Об Антарктиде 2 Часть.
С Антарктидой связано очень много тайн и загадок. Антарктида была открыта 16 (28) января 1820 года русской экспедицией под руководством Фаддея Беллинсгаузена и Михаила Лазарева, которые на шлюпах «Восток» и «Мирный», но до сих пор этот континент не принадлежит ни одной стране Мира и за эту территорию никогда не велись войны. Это очень странно, учитывая историю человечества за последние 2 века. Но там присутствуют 89 станций 45 круглогодичных станций, и множество сезонных, принадлежат они все 24 странам Мира. Гражданским лицам запрещено посещать этот континент без специального разрешения. Всё указывает на то, что там обитает неизвестная большинству людей раса высокоразвитых существ, а так называемые полярные станции это ничто иное, как погран-заставы и посольства, а лидеры разных стран приезжают туда на переговоры с лидерами этой высокоразвитой цивилизации. По неизвестным причинам нам категорически не хотят открывать правду.
От нас скрывают истинную картину мироздания, мировое правительство контролирует все сферы человеческой жизни, президенты всех стран — марионетки, которые послушно выполняют указания своих хозяев. Кто они? Инопланетяне? Рептилоиды? Сущности из параллельных миров? Ангелы или демоны? Кто решает судьбы целых стран и континентов?
В этом вам помогут разобраться видео, собранные на нашем канале «ГРАЖДАНИН 404»
Подписывайтесь, ставьте лайки и не забудьте включить оповещения, чтобы не пропустить самое интересное.
Помощь каналу: Яндекс кошелек 410012849864290
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound!

Рассказ полярного исследователя Юрия Ефремовича Коршунова взят с сайта РУАН (Русское Агентство Новостей)
Ссылка на источник: http://xn----8sbeybxdibygm.ru-an.info... плоская земля Россия