WTC-2014, Final, Men's, CHINA vs GERMANY, game 1, MA Long (Ма Лонг) — Timo BOLL (Тимо Болл)
Опубликовано: 16 июн. 2014 г.Одно из главных событий года — финал командного Чемпионата мира. Все надеемся, что кто-то подвинет китайцев с трона. Но не в этот раз. Хотя, немцев они явно боялись. Первая игра, конечно, самая нервная. И Тимо Болл справился со своими нервами хуже, чем Ма Лонг. Поэтому проиграл, наделав кучу несвойственных ему ошибок. Хотя вел во всех партиях.
Why Tesla's Model X Was The First SUV To Receive A Perfect Crash Test Rating
Опубликовано: 18 янв. 2019 г.SUVs are generally safe, but have a high rollover probability. Tesla was able to overcome this obstacle with their Model X SUV. Here's how they did it.
Narrator: This Tesla Model X refuses to roll over. Unlike most SUVs which tend to roll over with ease, the Model X continues to return to an upright position. Here's why the Model X was the first SUV to receive a perfect crash test rating. When it comes to vehicle safety, size matters. So it's not uncommon for SUVs to be generally safer than your standard sedan. However, they tend to have one big shortcoming. Rollovers.
SUVs are notorious for having a high center of gravity causing them to roll over when put into tight maneuvering situations, or a side impact. Rollovers can result in the partial or full ejection of passengers from the vehicle, increasing the chances of injury or death. In 2016, rollovers happened in one percent of serious crashes in passenger vehicles but accounted for one-third of collision-related deaths.
Over the past three decades, automakers have been able to reduce the frequency of rollovers in vehicles with technology and more stable designs. However, once a serious impact occurs it's just basic physics. A higher center of gravity increases the likelihood of a car tipping or rolling over.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or NHTSA is the only organization that tests rollover resistance. They also test frontal crashes and side impacts from a pole and barrier. After each test, they measure readings from a dummy to determine how much damage a real person is likely to sustain. They use this data to determine a safety rating in each category and an overall safety rating for the vehicle.
Amongst its many luxury features, the Model X hosts active safety technology such as collision avoidance systems and automatic emergency braking. But what sets the Model X apart is its design. Like other Teslas, the Model X has a large, rigid battery pack located on the floor of the vehicle. This gives the Model X a much lower center of gravity than your average SUV. In the event of a collision that would normally cause an SUV to roll over, this would happen instead.
But rollovers are just one aspect of the safety test. Since the Model X is an electric vehicle, there's no need for mechanical components in the hood of the car. This allows for a much larger crumple zone to absorb energy from a frontal crash. It also has specially-made side sills that absorb energy in addition to its rigid side pillars. These features help reduce the force exerted on passengers and increases their protection. But if you don't have $80,000 laying around for a Model X there’s still plenty of SUVs out there with excellent safety ratings.
Опубликовано: 18 янв. 2020 г.Самая большая в мире выставка электроники Consumer Electronic Show, или CES успешно прошла в начале Января, в Лас-Вегасе. Оставив за собой множество уникальных прототипов, таких, например, как Аватар-Мерседес, ездящих боком, о котором мы говорили в прошлом выпуске, многое из произошедшего на выставке осталось за кадром. Исправляем это упущение. Вашему вниманию 10 самых безумных изобретений CES-2020.
Опубликовано: 9 янв. 2020 г.Tour of the LG ThinQ Anywhere is Home Booth at CES. Thanks to LG Electronics for Sponsoring this Video.
Some really interesting current and future Tech inside of this booth that will someday connect our homes to our Cars and even restaurant to make life easier for us.
Опубликовано: 30 дек. 2019 г.What is NEON? From science fiction to reality, androids are on their way to become a big part of our lives. Samsung's Technology and Advanced Research Labs STAR is ready to introduce NEON in CES 2020 and they say it's an artificial human. In this video, we speculate about what they're preparing for us.
Опубликовано: 6 янв. 2020 г.Hyundai made good on its promise to show off its flying car concept at CES, but its press conference demonstrated exactly how it envisages integrating such a vehicle into everyday life. In what it calls «liberation from gridlock» and the «democratization of flight,» Hyundai once again pointed at Uber as a vital ally in getting its flying cars into the skies. The rideshare platform wants to launch its Uber Air initiative in 2023, and Hyundai looks like it's got the goods to help it do exactly that.
Опубликовано: 15 февр. 2020 г.Several major automakers are making big bets on electric vehicles. A few vehicles have been released so far, but sales indicate any one of them has failed to make a significant dent in Tesla’s share of the EV market. So, who are they? And how much of a chance do they have?
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Опубликовано: 17 нояб. 2016 г.Речь, которую через 100 лет марсианские дети будут учить в школе.
27 сентября 2016 Илон Маск, основатель и CEO частной космической компании Space X, представил архитектуру колонизации Марса на космической конференции IAC.
По его замыслу, уже в 2025 году на Марс отправится первая миссия с людьми на борту, а через еще через 40–100 лет на Марсе будет возведен самодостаточный город, в котором будет жить миллион человек.
Межпланетная транспортная система будет состоять из ракеты-носителя, космического корабля, заправочного танкера, и топливного завода в пункте назначения.
Ракета-носитель будет превосходить в 4 раза по грузоподъемности Сатурн-5, самую мощную из всех использовавшихся до этого ракет, и обладать возможностью вывода на орбиту Земли до 550 тонн полезного груза. Космический корабль сможет вмещать 100 пассажиров и будет способен совершать обратный рейс на Землю после дозаправки на Марсе. Стоимость билета на Марс составит от 100 до 200 тысяч долларов.