Berard - The Mega Transport Experts - Austal LCS Coronado Loadout (1-9-12).wmv

Berard — The Mega Transport Experts — Austal LCS Coronado Loadout (1-9-12).wmv

Опубликовано: 27 янв. 2012 г.The Berard Team was proud to once again take a pinnacle role in transporting the Navy's newest addition to its fleet, the «Coronado», a 418'L x 107'W Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) built with pride by Austal in Mobile, Alabama. In a two-step process using 104 axle lines of self propelled modular transporters, the Berard Team rolled the 2800 ton LCS from the final assembly bay to a waiting deck barge. The Coronado was then barged down river for transloading from deck barge to drydock for launching. The entire transport process was accomplished in only two days and was a major improvement in safety and efficiency. The new roll-out method has shaved hours off the transfer process, and serves as a capstone in Austal's effort to reduce cost and time required in future LCS deliveries.

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