6 Amazing 3D PRINTED HOUSE Projects in 2020

6 Amazing 3D PRINTED HOUSE Projects in 2020

Опубликовано: 22 февр. 2020 г.0:28 ➤ Apis Cor — https://www.apis-cor.com/
1:42 ➤ Crane WASP — https://www.3dwasp.com/en/3d-printing...
3:30 ➤ COBOD — https://cobod.com/
4:53 ➤ Constructions-3D — https://www.constructions-3d.com/?lan...
6:32 ➤ Hadrian X — https://www.fbr.com.au/
7:55 ➤ Icon Vulcan II — https://www.iconbuild.com/

Credits are listed in the video.

Cool Gadgets & Stuff on Facebook — https://fb.me/coolgadgetsandstuff
Merch — https://teespring.com/stores/cgs-store
Narrator — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzuf...


Note: The purpose of this channel is to highlight the best new projects and inventions and to inform what's new in the tech world. Thanks to all our subscribers and viewers for watching and also thanks to YouTube for making it possible.

Disclaimer: Copyright Allowance is made for «fair use» for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

3D Printing Of Geopolymer Concrete - True Innovation

3D Printing Of Geopolymer Concrete — True Innovation

Marina Dudnikova, Andrey Dudnikov and Alex Reggiani, Renca, Russia, presented in july 2018, at the 10th annual Geopolymer Camp meeting at Saint-Quentin, France, his keynote on «State of construction 3D printing. Geopolymer concrete application on the real scale project in the Extreme North.».
Watch this video to get a comprehensive update on this technology.


ЯБ2016 Строительный 3d принтер APIS COR

ЯБ2016 Строительный 3d принтер APIS COR

Опубликовано: 19 февр. 2016 г.​Мы разработали первый мобильный циркулярный строительный 3d принтер, который позволяет напечатать дом целиком и в любом месте за 24 часа. Наша технология отличается тем, что мы печатаем здание изнутри, поэтому при своих относительно малых габаритах принтер может напечатать дом площадью больше 100 кв метров.
Подобная технология позволяет экономить до 70 % стоимости возведения каркаса здания по сравнению с традиционным строительством.
Для доставки принтера на место используется стандартная строительная техника, принтер монтируется на любой поверхности без предварительной подготовки площадки и пуско-наладочных работ, запуск оборудования занимает не более часа. Также технология отличается низким потреблением электричества и полным отсутствием строительного мусора.

Casa low cost stampata in 3D, la nuova frontiera della tecnologia

Casa low cost stampata in 3D, la nuova frontiera della tecnologia

Опубликовано: 21 мар. 2017 г.Da qualche giorno sui social network è visibile un video che mostra una nuova rivoluzione in ambito edilizio associato al tecnologico. La realizzazione di una casa per mezzo di una stampante 3D. Niente gru, niente mattoni e, soprattutto niente incidenti sul lavoro.
Tutto questo per 37 metri quadrati in sole 24 ore, a 270 euro al metro: una stampante 3D con estrusore di cemento che promette di rivoluzionare il concetto di edilizia. Le imprese edili, che da anni soffrono la crisi, potrebbero ritrovare nuova linfa per mezzo della tecnologia che ridurrebbe tempi e costi di produzione, dando ai propri clienti soluzioni moderne ed innovative.

Ecco che anche i single più convinti avranno la possibilità di acquistare la propria casa a prezzi più che abbordabili, pari ad una comune auto utilitaria, e collocarla in qualsiasi posizione dal mare alla montagna.

L'idea rivoluzionaria nasce da un'azienda russa Apis Cor che ha realizzato una sorta di gru/stampante in 3D e una volta impostato il software con il progetto da realizzare il robot comincia il suo lavoro, fermandosi solo a servizio terminato. E' in grado di realizzare un’abitazione completa di 37 metri quadri per meno di 10.000 dollari (interni compresi) e in sole 24 ore.

In 37 metri quadri ci sono cucina, bagno, camera da letto e soggiorno. Per costruirla bastano 10.134 dollari, poco più di 9.500 euro. Un costo che include tutti i lavori di costruzione, materiali per le fondamenta, il tetto, le rifiniture interne ed esterne, installazione del riscaldamento, finestre, pareti e soffitti.

L'azienda russa non è la sola ad aver abbracciato l'innovativo sistema edilizio di stampa in 3D, ma al momento è l'unica che lo può fare direttamente sul terreno da edificare. Inoltre detiene un altro primato, quello di costruire interamente l'immobile, infatti, le stampanti 3D oggi in grado di lavorare con il cemento e in dimensioni reali permettono solo la stampa di singoli pezzi — muri, pilastri, solette eccetera — che devono poi essere assemblati in loco.

Questa nuova soluzione di realizzazione di unità abitative è il futuro dell'edilizia, per tempistica di consegna, qualità e precisione ma, soprattutto, potrebbe essere una soluzione ai tanti problemi di chi è stato colpito da gravi calamità naturali.

Smart Bricks - A New Way to Build

Smart Bricks — A New Way to Build

Опубликовано: 21 мая 2014 г.Kite Bricks is developing a revolutionary product that will change the way we build houses, buildings, bridges and sidewalks. From now on structures will be real thermal, much more stronger and very cheap & fast to build. contact us — info@kitebricks.com

Smart Brick is a revolutionary brick and the basis of a new construction system covered by issued and pending US patents.

The brick is amenable for building houses, buildings, bridges and more… The block is constructed of high-strength concrete with unique properties that allow for the building of truly ecological structures, with large savings in electricity expenses associated with seasonal heating and cooling. The block allows for faster, cheaper, more precise, and stronger building than is available through traditional building methods.

Bricks are designed to be easily joined together, with open internal spaces for insulation and infrastructure elements to be run through the bricks and allow for easy access to these elements.

Floors, walls, and ceilings are all constructed by appropriate bricks to allow for facile, solid construction with little mess and significantly reduced construction costs.

Строительные смеси для 3D печати. Практические рекомендации.

Строительные смеси для 3D печати. Практические рекомендации.

Опубликовано: 4 июл. 2016 г.СЕРИЯ ОБУЧАЮЩИХ РОЛИКОВ
«СТРОИТЕЛЬНАЯ 3D ПЕЧАТЬ. Практические рекомендации»
Фильм третий: Строительные смеси для 3D печати.
Компания СПЕЦАВИА — первый Российский разработчик 3D принтеров строительной печати.

Winsun 3D R&D Center in Shanghai - Largest 3D Printing Building Construction

Winsun 3D R&D Center in Shanghai — Largest 3D Printing Building Construction

Опубликовано: 28 окт. 2019 г.The video shows the ongoing erection of the 3D R&D Center, which is the largest 3D printed construction in the world. It consists of 7 large buildings. The buildings are printed and build with 9-12 workers, 3 machines: excavator, one crane, and 1 large 3D printer.

It shows the 3D printed walls with 2 different patterns: On 1 side the weaving decorative pattern, on the other side the layer-by-layer pattern.
Technological development of the green recycling industry incorporated in 3D printing construction, and technology that allows for zero waste construction. Winsun proposes the concept of the 'Green Recycling Industry' with 3D printed buildings. The strengths and output (including Waste) of several industries can be combined, such as urban construction, steel mill (waste: steel slack), power plant (waste: coal ash), chemical industry, locally available building materials, such as sand, etc.

The 3D printed products, such as 3D printing Ink, 3D printed walls and modules, are all technically assessed by Shanghai Research Institution of Buildings Science (SRIBS) and local and international standards were applied. This is a very important step into Standardization of the 3D printing technology.

Winsuns' technology goes much further than just replacing the conventional way of 'Construction'. You can see all these advantages allow for a new, greener ecological society. It can realize zero garbage communities, ecological agriculture, etc. It provides new functions for our conventional way of living and waste disposal.

Join us in the dream for future cities. Let's build our low carbon emission, recyclable and vibrant home together!

Check for more details: https://winsun3dbuilders.com and https://winsun3d.com

Джек Ма - Речь Меняющая Сознание! СЕКРЕТ МИЛЛИАРДЕРА! Как на 100% Достичь Успеха!

Джек Ма — Речь Меняющая Сознание! СЕКРЕТ МИЛЛИАРДЕРА! Как на 100% Достичь Успеха!

Опубликовано: 20 сент. 2019 г.Джек Ма — Советы от Миллиардера для студентов и молодежи!
● Моя бесплатная группа по заработку — https://vk.com/instarding (в сообщение сообщества «ПРИМИ В КОМАНДУ»)
● КАНАЛ ПО МОТИВАЦИИ — https://youtube.com/channel/UCdxuLSZr...
● INSTAGRAM — https://instagram.com/instarding

● Смотрите Фильм Роберта Кийосаки, Взорвавший Интернет!

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