Опубликовано: 19 дек. 2017 г.12 ЗАБРОШЕННЫХ ДОМОВ МИЛЛИОНЕРОВ
Неубранные постели, невымытая после обеда посуда, бассейны полные сухого листья и незавершенная партия в бильярд. Создается впечатления что время здесь остановилось, навсегда…… Сегодня мы побываем в самых невероятных и захватывающих дух, заброшенных особняках миллионеров, среди которых дом Стива Джобса, Брюса Ли, и особняк самого Майка Тайсона. Всем привет и поехали.
Всем спасибо за просмотр, надеюсь вам понравилось видео :)
Опубликовано: 26 окт. 2019 г.Предположим, вы попали на необитаемый остров. Что вы там ожидаете обнаружить? Обезьяны, пальмы, пустынный пляж… Забудьте! В мире есть более интересные места. Остров, населенный змеями. Остров, похожий на Марс как две капли воды. Остров, пожирающий корабли. Все это и многое другое – в сегодняшнем видео! Сегодня я расскажу вам о самых интересных, самых необычных и самых опасных островах.
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Опубликовано: 27 окт. 2019 г.По вопросам авторского права, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по адресу: nskshow2017@yandex.ru
Хотя идея жить под землей на сегодняшний день не слишком популярна, все же есть люди, которые предпочитают именно такой стиль жизни. Можно сказать, это такая себе альтернатива обычным домам. Привет вы на канале NSK Show и сегодня я сделал для вас подборку самых оригинальных и необычных домов со всего мира, от которых просто захватывает дух…вот о каких сооружениях пойдет речь в ролике:
1. Подземный экодом
2. Дом в пещере
3. Подводный дом
4. Дом на валлийском побережье
5. Дом на альпийском склоне
6. Дом Aloni на Кикладских островах
7. Дом-бункер
Если есть желание поддержать канал, можно задонатить на эти кошельки:
Опубликовано: 10 мар. 2016 г.Capable of reaching high speeds over rough terrain as well as swimming the fastest rivers, the M3 Rig is undoubtedly the ultimate amphibian.
Not only does the vehicle race around on land and water, but it lets entire armies do it too. With its deployable ballast tanks and splash shield, the M3 can go from land vehicle to high speed watercraft within just a few minutes, boasting incredible performance and manoeuvrability.
Once in the water, the 26 tonne machine faces two key issues — power and drag. To combat this, the M3 boasts two water jets (one at the front, one at the rear) and a 360 degree swivable head for power assistance, as well as wheels that can be tucked in to reduce drag.
Of course, its most impressive feature is its ability to combine with one another and form a fully functioning mobile bridge. In just under 9 minutes, any number of M3s can join up and allow entire 70+ tonne tanks to cross entire rivers, before disbanding and dispersing before the enemy even has a clue they were there.
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Опубликовано: 13 мар. 2016 г.New concept for the US Marine Corps A potential replacement for the Marines' 20-year-old air cushioned ship-to-shore craft has foam runners and a massive payload.
Officials with the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab, in conjunction with the Office of Naval Research, conducted a technical assessment earlier this month with a half-scale version of the Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector, a high-tech craft being developed as an option to replace the Landing Craft Air Cushioned as a vehicle to bring troops, vehicles and gear ashore. The UHAC has also been discussed as a replacement for the Landing Craft Utility, another Navy ship-to-shore connector, but Warfighting Lab officials said they were especially interested in how the UHAC stacked up against the LCAC.
The Navy's LCACs traditionally deploy with and operate from amphibious well deck ships and often transport Marines to and from shore as part of training or Marine Expeditionary Unit deployments.
Unlike the LCAC, which acts as a hovercraft with an inflatable skirt, the UHAC has air-filled tracks made out of foam that can propel it through the water and on land. The footprint of the UHAC is significantly larger: 2,500 square feet of deck area to the LCAC's 1,800. But this means the UHAC can handle a much larger payload. While the LCAC can carry 65 tons of gear, the UHAC can handle 150 tons, or 190 with an overload payload.
Capt. James Pineiro, Ground Combat Element branch head for the Warfighting Lab's Science and Technology Division, said the UHAC would be able to carry three main battle tanks ashore, at some 60 tons apiece.
Another advantage to the UHAC, Pineiro said, is its range: 200 nautical miles to the LCAC's 86. And unlike the LCAC, when the UHAC arrives onshore, it can keep on going, thanks to low pressure captive air cells in the tracks. At about a pound per square inch, the UHAC can cross mud flats and tidal marsh areas. And the tracks can crawl over a sea wall of up to 10 feet, he said — all important features during a beach assault.
«You could look at the amphibious invasion of Inchon, during the Korean War,» Pineiro said. «there were significant mud flats there, and a 26-foot tide difference. At low tide it went a couple of miles out. That was a problem during the invasion of Inchon.»
Where the UHAC does come up short is in water speed. Because of the drag created by the foam tracks, it can only travel at 20 knots, half the speed of the LCAC.
But Pineiro said he anticipated that mission commanders would be able to work around this drawback.
«When you get into planning ops, you kind of plan for your capability,» he said.
Officials with the project said the concept for the UHAC originated in 2008, with a goal to design an amphibious vehicle with low PSI. The Office of Naval Research accepted a concept design for the vehicle from the company Navatek, Inc., and the project has been in development since then, with the construction of a half-scale demonstrator and an at-sea demonstration in 2012.
The half-scale model is still massive at 42 feet long, 26 feet wide and 17 feet high. It was in Honolulu in early March to complete a limited technical assessment to demonstrate its capabilities. The test, Pineiro said, involved launching the UHAC from a simulated ship's well deck with an internally transported vehicle aboard. The UHAC brought the vehicle to the shore and then returned to the ship, he said.
The assessment is preparation for a larger demonstration of the UHAC's abilities at the Advanced Warfighting Experiment, also in Hawaii, that will take place in conjunction with the international exercise Rim of the Pacific 2014 this summer.
«We want to make sure the UHAC can perform,» Pineiro said.
Future steps following this summer's experiment remain unclear as testing continues. But according to the Marines Seabasing Required Capabilities Annual Report for 2013, published in December, product managers with ONR are working with Defense Department agencies to secure funding for continued development.
«Development of a full-scale technology demonstrator is a possibility,» the report said.
Amid budget cutbacks, one feature is sure to catch the eye of acquisition officials: because of the technology involved in constructing and operating a UHAC, ONR estimates per-unit production and maintenance costs would be less than half that of an LCAC, officials with the project said.
The Navy began purchasing its 91 LCACs in the early 1980s at per-unit costs ranging from $22 million to $32 million, or between $45 and $75 million with inflation adjusted.
Опубликовано: 20 июл. 2016 г.Toyo Tires® has unleashed ‘The Ferret’ with off-road champion BJ Baldwin behind the wheel to prove that Toyo® Open Country® tires are capable of taking any vehicle across every terrain. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen. Toyo Tires. #AllorNothing. Learn more at http://toyotires.com/opencountry.
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Опубликовано: 26 мар. 2017 г.В этом ролике мы расскажем о вездеходе БРДМ-2, купленной за 500 тр, с консервации, оценим вместе с вами ее состояние и даже попробуем испытать эту технику и посмотреть на что она способна. Покатушки на вездеходе по бездорожью, плюсы и минусы этого внедорожника.
Благодарим автосервис «Аргонщик.рф» за предоставленный для обзора вездеход: https://goo.gl/S3UFG1
Все вопросы по БРДМ, БТР и другой военной техники с консервации можете задавать тут: https://goo.gl/TSpceU