
Шутка «Джокера», которую вы не поймёте

Шутка «Джокера», которую вы не поймёте

Опубликовано: 27 апр. 2020 г.https://clck.ru/MwCMe — перейди по ссылке и введи JOKER для бесплатного «Кинопоиска HD» на 45 дней!

Промокод действует до 1 июня и только для новых пользователей на территории РФ.

Изначально я собирался уничтожать «Джокера».

Мне претило, что Тодд Филлипс вычурно пытается сделать что-то АРТХАУСНОЕ, и мне казалось, что весь фильм — претенциозная имитация. Но спустя месяц ковыряния я понимаю, насколько на самом деле недооценил фильм после первого просмотра.

Это «Объяснение концовки», «Скрытый смысл», «Обзор фильма» и другие прекрасные жанры в одном видео. :)

Автор: Дмитрий Кунгуров, StopGame.Ru

Neon ‘Artificial humans’ are stars of CES

Neon ‘Artificial humans’ are stars of CES

Опубликовано: 9 янв. 2020 г.Samsung’s STAR Labs research group announced a new “artificial human” called Neon early Tuesday morning at CES 2020.

Neon isn’t a robot or a voice assistant like Siri or Alexa. Instead, it’s a simulated human assistant that appears on a screen and learns about people to help it give seemingly intelligent and life-like responses — think of it like an animated chatbot. Samsung claims the Neons will be able to provide a response to questions in milliseconds.

A spokesperson for STAR (Samsung Technology & Advanced Research) Labs told CNBC that the avatars will “help enhance interactions people have with certain jobs, such as friendly customer service; a worker that will be able to remember your name if you do yoga a certain amount of times during the week.”

As the images show, Neons will be able to have different looks and attitudes.

“Over time, Neons will work as TV anchors, spokespeople or movie actors; or they can simply be companions and friends,” the company said.

Neons will be available as services for companies and people to license or subscribe to, but Star Labs said it’s not trying to replace humans, even if it seems like it. “We are not looking to replace human jobs, but rather enhance the customer service interactions, have customers feel as if they have a friend with Neons,” a spokesperson told CNBC.

STAR’s marketing rhetoric around the Neons is pretty extreme. The company says the Neons have their own emotions and memories, for instance, which would be an astounding and unprecedented feat of computer science. It’s more likely that the creators can simply program them to simulate emotions and store data.

Without having seen one, it’s unclear how “smart” Neons actually are, or how well they are able to understand people or empathize with a person in distress. Voice assistants Apple’s Siri, Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant are also capable of learning a human’s unique voice and responding, but they often make many mistakes.

Other companies have tried to replace or complement human workers in similar ways. SoftBank Robotics launched its smart robot Pepper in 2015. It was available for in-home purchase as well as in banks, healthcare facilities and restaurants, and was capable of serving as a receptionist.

“We plan to make Neon available to business partners as well to consumers all around the world,” the company said in a FAQ sheet. “It is too early for us to comment on the business model or pricing for Neon, but we plan to beta launch Neon in the real world with selected partners later this year.”

Without further details, it’s tempting to dismiss this as a stunt product that will never see the light of day outside CES. We’ll see if Samsung proves us wrong and actually releases the thing later this year.

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Talking with Neon AI, Samsung’s best attempt at being human

Talking with Neon AI, Samsung’s best attempt at being human

Опубликовано: 7 янв. 2020 г.Neon has built up a lot of hype at CES 2020, and we got a chance to see the first live demo in action. Neon is a lifelike avatar from a Samsung research subsidiary called Star Labs. It’s designed to look, talk and move like a human. After the demo, I had a chance to talk to Neon myself. I wanted to see if this ambitious tech could live up to the hype.

#CES2020 #NEON

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삼성이 천재과학자 영입해 만든 생각하고 말하는 '인공인간'실체

삼성이 천재과학자 영입해 만든 생각하고 말하는 '인공인간'실체

Опубликовано: 6 янв. 2020 г.국내외 정치 핫이슈들을 진심을 담아 전달해 드립니다
연출제작: 불꽃
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Никогда не пролетайте на свежий зеленый! Показываю почему. Обзор дтп №2

Никогда не пролетайте на свежий зеленый! Показываю почему. Обзор дтп №2

Опубликовано: 31 мар. 2020 г.Разбираем недавнее дтп из Самары. Бешеная пятерка хотела проскочить на “свежий” зеленый.
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Samsung Leaked the Galaxy Note20 Ultra - First Official Look!

Samsung Leaked the Galaxy Note20 Ultra — First Official Look!

Опубликовано: 2 июл. 2020 г.So… someone at Samsung Russia uploaded a couple images they weren’t exactly supposed to upload. The page got taken down now, but it’s kinda late. Anyway, here is your first official look at the Galaxy Note20 Ultra or Plus, whatever they end up calling it.
We also go briefly over some of the latest leaks of the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra and the regular Note 20.

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Proof NEON Videos are Computer Generated - We Were Right!

Proof NEON Videos are Computer Generated — We Were Right!

Опубликовано: 10 янв. 2020 г.I told you they were not just people in front of a camera! I noticed rendering errors in the videos while learning about Core R3. It can really create videos this realistic and clean, not in real time though.

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Samsung's NEON is Officially Confirmed - Trailer Analysis

Samsung's NEON is Officially Confirmed — Trailer Analysis

Опубликовано: 6 янв. 2020 г.CEO of STAR Labs officially confirmed NEON will be very close our speculation. But the question remains, is it really going to be that perfect like what we saw in leaked promo videos? In this video I share some of my findings so that you can decide.

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